## Copyright (c) 2023 Chakib Ben Ziane <contact@blob42.xyz>. All rights reserved.
## SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
## This file is part of Instrukt.
## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
## the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
## Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
## later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
## FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
## details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
## with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""Manage underlying indexes."""
import contextvars
import importlib
import logging
import typing as t
import uuid
import chromadb # type: ignore
from chromadb.db.impl.sqlite import SqliteDB # type: ignore
from langchain.embeddings import (
from langchain.embeddings.base import Embeddings as LcEmbeddings
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, PrivateAttr
from ..config import APP_SETTINGS, ChromaSettings
from ..context import context_var
from ..errors import IndexError
from ..indexes.chroma import ChromaWrapper
from ..indexes.loaders import get_loader
from ..indexes.schema import Collection, EmbeddingDetails, Index
from .loaders import LOADER_MAPPINGS, AutoDirLoader
from ..indexes.chroma import TEmbeddings
from ..views.index.main import IndexConsole
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class IndexManager(BaseModel):
"""Helper to access chroma indexes."""
chroma_settings: ChromaSettings
chroma_kwargs: dict[str, t.Any] = Field(default_factory=dict)
_client: chromadb.Client = PrivateAttr()
_index: ChromaWrapper = PrivateAttr()
_indexes: dict[str, ChromaWrapper] = PrivateAttr()
[docs] class Config:
arbitrary_types_allowed = True
extra = "allow"
def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None:
self._indexes: dict[str, ChromaWrapper] = {}
self._client = chromadb.Client(settings=self.chroma_settings)
[docs] def get_index(self, collection_name: str) -> ChromaWrapper | None:
"""Return the chroma db instance for the given collection name."""
if collection_name is None or collection_name == "":
# raise ValueError("Collection name must be specified")
return None
if collection_name not in self._indexes:
# if collection is already stored, restore its embedding_fn
embedding_inst: TEmbeddings | None = None
if collection_name in [c.name for c in self.list_collections()]:
embedding = self.get_embedding_fn(collection_name)
embedding_fn_cls = self.get_embedding_fn_cls(
if issubclass(
embedding_inst = embedding_fn_cls(
# use default embedding's model name (ie OpenAI ..)
# handle openai
elif issubclass(embedding_fn_cls, OpenAIEmbeddings):
#ensure openai api key is available
if APP_SETTINGS.openai_api_key is None or len(
APP_SETTINGS.openai_api_key) == 0:
"This index was created with OpenAIEmbeddings, "
"OpenAI API key required.")
return None
embedding_inst = embedding_fn_cls() # type: ignore
raise ValueError(
"Unknown embedding function used with locally "
f"stored index {collection_name}.")
self.chroma_kwargs['embedding_function'] = embedding_inst
log.debug(f"loading index <{collection_name}>")
self._indexes[collection_name] = ChromaWrapper(
return self._indexes[collection_name]
[docs] async def aget_index(self, collection_name: str) -> ChromaWrapper | None:
"""Async version of get_index."""
from ..utils.asynctools import run_async
return await run_async(self.get_index, collection_name)
def indexes(self) -> t.Sequence[str]:
"""Return the list of loaded indexes."""
return list(self._indexes.keys())
[docs] def get_loader(self, path: str, loader_type: str | None = None):
if loader_type is not None:
_loader = LOADER_MAPPINGS.get(loader_type)
if _loader is not None:
loader_cls, loader_kwargs, _ = _loader
loader = loader_cls(path, **loader_kwargs) # type: ignore
loader = None
loader = get_loader(path)
if loader is None:
raise IndexError("No loader found for the given path")
return loader
[docs] def create(self, _ctx: contextvars.Context,
index: Index) -> ChromaWrapper | None:
"""Create a new index from the given file or directory path."""
ctx = _ctx.get(context_var)
assert ctx is not None
# if index.type is defined use specified loader
loader = self.get_loader(index.path, index.loader_type)
assert ctx.app is not None, "missing App in Context"
console = t.cast("IndexConsole", ctx.app.query_one("IndexConsole"))
assert console is not None
if isinstance(loader, AutoDirLoader):
loader.pbar = console.pbar
if index.glob is not None:
loader.glob = [index.glob]
docs = loader.load_and_split()
if len(docs) == 0:
return None
#NOTE: the used embedding function used is stored within the collection metadata
# in the chroma wrapper module.
self.chroma_kwargs['embedding_function'] = index.embedding_fn
log.debug(f"chroma kwargs: {self.chroma_kwargs})")
new_index = ChromaWrapper(self._client,
'description': index.description,
# add documents to index
console.pbar.update_pbar(total=None, progress=0)
console.pbar.update_msg("creating embeddings ...")
with console.pbar.patch_tqdm_update():
ids = iter(str(uuid.uuid4())[:4] for _ in range(len(docs)))
for d in docs:
d.metadata["id"] = next(ids)
self._indexes[index.name] = new_index
return new_index
[docs] async def adelete_index(self, name: str) -> None:
"""Remove the given index."""
if name not in self._indexes:
raise IndexError(f"Index {name} not found")
index = self._indexes[name]
await index.adelete_collection()
del self._indexes[name]
[docs] def list_collections(self) -> t.Sequence[Collection]:
"""List the available index collections."""
client = chromadb.Client(self.chroma_settings)
#NOTE: this is the offcial API. It's slow because it checks embedding fn
return client.list_collections()
[docs] def get_embedding_fn(self, col_name: str) -> EmbeddingDetails:
"""Get embedding function as fully qualified class name for the collection.
The embedding function is stored in the collection metadata.
(embedding_fn_cls, Optional[model_name])
db = SqliteDB(chromadb.System(self.chroma_settings))
#NOTE: using raw sql
# with db.tx() as cur:
# res = cur.execute("""
# SELECT collection_metadata.collection_id,
# collections.name AS collection_name,
# collection_metadata.str_value AS embedding_fn
# FROM collection_metadata
# INNER JOIN collections
# ON collection_metadata.collection_id = collections.id
# WHERE collection_metadata.key = 'embedding_fn'
# """).fetchall()
cols = db.get_collections(name=col_name)
if len(cols) == 0:
raise ValueError(
f"No embedding function found for collection {col_name}")
if len(cols) > 1:
raise ValueError(f"Multiple collections named {col_name}")
metadata = cols[0]["metadata"]
embedding_fn = metadata.get("embedding_fn")
extra_info = {}
# handle openai missing api key
if embedding_fn.find("OpenAIEmbeddings") != -1:
if APP_SETTINGS.openai_api_key is None or \
len(APP_SETTINGS.openai_api_key) == 0:
extra_info = dict(
error="[b yellow]missing openai api key ![/]")
model_name = metadata.get("model_name")
return EmbeddingDetails(embedding_fn, model_name, extra_info)
except IndexError:
raise IndexError(f"No metadata found for collection {col_name}")
[docs] def get_embedding_fn_cls(self,
embedding_fqn: str) -> t.Type["TEmbeddings"]:
"""Get embedding function class for the collection."""
embedding_cls = get_class(embedding_fqn)
assert issubclass(embedding_cls, LcEmbeddings)
return embedding_cls
def get_class(fqn: str) -> t.Type:
"""Given fully qualified class name, return the class."""
mod_name, cls_name = fqn.rsplit('.', 1)
module = importlib.import_module(mod_name)
return getattr(module, cls_name)
except (ImportError, AttributeError) as e:
raise ImportError(f"Failed to import class {fqn}: {e}")
def get_fqn(cls: t.Type[object]) -> str:
""" Get the fully qualified class name of a given class."""
return f"{cls.__module__}.{cls.__name__}"